This includes downtime for:
- including the forum and redirects to Keenspot
- redirects to Keenspot
The maintenance is expected to take 1-3 hours to complete.
UPDATE Dec 31 9:51 PM EST - the migration to a new server is mostly complete. There are a couple things that still need to be fixed that I can't take care of tonight, but a workaround is in place so everything should be working. Please let me know on this thread if you run into any problems!
UPDATE Jan 1 10:17 AM EST - the IP address that we are using is currently switching randomly between our old and new servers. I've opened a ticket with our hosting provider for this issue. For now, you may observe the domains listed above working sometimes and not working at other times.
UPDATE Jan 3 2:46 PM EST - Digital Ocean has been having some issues routing the floating IP address we use to route traffic to our server. For the past few days, the IP address has been flip-flopping between our new and old server. I intentionally left it that way to allow Digital Ocean to diagnose the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience! I've now shut down the old server which should stop this behavior.
It's possible I may turn the old server on one or two more times while working with the Digital Ocean engineers to test that the problem was resolved.
In the mean time, I'm working with Tom to get the remaining domains transferred to the correct IP, so some things will continue to not work for now.
UPDATE Jan 3 2:55 PM EST - We've got the DNS records fixed for the remaining domains. All sites should be working at this time. Leaving this open until the Digital Ocean issue is resolved.
UPDATE Jan 8 7:49 AM EST - The issue was resolved a day or two ago! I forgot to update this, but here I am.