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Re: Flow of Time

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:45 pm
by Akira110
Chapter 15

Killian stood at a podium, in front of several caskets, it had been merely two weeks since Yoshiro had died, yet, he had lost many people who were dear to him. He looked down at the datapad he had on the podium, "We're all here, thank you for coming, it would make them happy." Killian looked up at them, "I'm not the best at preforming a eulogy, but it is only fitting that I were to try, as Yoshiro has it in his will." Killian sighed and pressed a button on the podium, creating a hologram of Yoshiro, "Yoshiro was one of the greatest men I've ever had the pleasure of meeting in my life. He was the kind of man that no matter how difficult the task you put in front of him, no matter how risky the mission... he would go out there and fight. Yet at the same time, he was the kind of person who loved his friends and family and wanted nothing more than to be with them."

Killian sighed, "My brother once told me, 'Killian, there isn't any glory in fighting, there is only misery and death.' I kind of see what he meant by that when he said it. Yoshiro is survived by far too many descendants to list, but he left some final words for his youngest child." Killian cleared his throat and started reading, "Balthoron, I've always been proud of you for being a doctor. Please stay away from the military, my son. You're a grown man and it's your choice, but I know how you are feeling right now. I love you, and I always will, my son." Balthoron looked at him, "That's it?" Killian looked at Balthoron, "He didn't have much time to write his last words. Anyhow, everyone, Yoshiro is dead, but not forgotten. I've taken the liberty of commissioning a statue for him and for myself." Killian sighed slightly, "I know it seems egotistical, but, guys, I'm the most well known Black Knight, and I'm dying."

Everyone in the room gasped slightly as Killian walked off the podium to go be alone, he had stage five cancer and it was too late for him. He didn't want to watch the funeral for his mom and dad, so he walked out of the funeral home. Killian watched as Lilah walked out along with him, "Lilah, what are you doing out here?" Lilah looked at him, "I'm leaving, I'm going to go found my own organization and help catch criminals. By the way, it's Klaartje." Killian nodded slightly, "Alright, Klaartje, have a good life." Klaartje nodded slightly, "You live out the rest of your days peacefully, Killian." Killian nodded and listened to the birds as they chirped, he sat down against the wall and pain shot through his body again, "I always assumed you'd outlive all of us."

Killian heard a voice speak up, "Naive of you, especially when you consider the fact that I was in the military." Killian looked up to see Emiko there, with Yoshiro's soul standing next to her, "Well that's a bit morbid, are you here to take me?" Emiko shook her head, "Yoshiro was just here to attend his own funeral." Killian shook his head, "That's rather morbid, you know." Yoshiro's soul smiled slightly and placed his hand on Killian's shoulder, "You don't have much time to live, little brother. Listen to me, live your life in peace, take a vacation to somewhere you've always wanted to go, die happy." Killian sighed, "You died, then Mom, then Dad. Masaru was assassinated recently, Reiko has gone into depression, Balthoron has already joined up with the army as a medic. Tsuyoshi has become an alcoholic, Goro is stressed to his breaking point."

Yoshiro's soul sighed, "I get it." Killian sighed, "Your death and final order created a chain reaction, do you even know the status of the rescue operation?" Yoshiro shook his head, "I wasn't allowed to go past that door, Great-Grandmother here wouldn't let me." Killian looked up at the sky, "The Thraxi and the Neanderthals are dead. The threat of a galactic war hangs above us all, unless we can find some way to stop it, and Tsuyoshi is in no shape to negotiate our way out of this." Killian sighed, "I don't blame you, Yoshiro, I blame Masaru. If he had never played this [censored] game in the first place, then the threat of galaxy-wide war wouldn't be on the table. But here we are, billions, if not trillions can lose their lives."

Yoshiro's soul nodded and Emiko sighed, "So then, Killian, what are you going to do about this?" Killian stood up, "I have about a month left to live, there's nothing I can do, except to prepare things for the next generation. I've always been a blacksmith, perhaps this will be my greatest legacy, preparing a chance at victory for the future." Emiko placed her hand on his shoulder, "Then you are the greatest blacksmith of all time." Killian stood up, "Just promise me one thing." Emiko nodded slightly, "Sure thing." Killian looked at her, "Ensure the survival of the Black Knight." Emiko blinked, "But Belinda will die some day." Killian sighed and shook his head, "No, the Black Knight is passed down through my family and my descendants. Please let this continue."

Emiko nodded, "That much, I can promise." Killian sighed and started to walk off, but he stopped and turned to ask a final question, "How much time is left until this galactic war hits." Emiko sighed, "If nothing changes, you'll be long dead before then, don't worry." Killian nodded, "Well Great-Grandmother, I'll see you in about a month." Emiko waved as Killian turned around and started to walk away. He had his final life's task ahead of him, he was going to ensure that future generations would have some sort of an idea of what had happened during this generation to cause the future war, and would create something that would at least give them a shot at victory. His final life's mission, create an archive that only a Verbanan could access.

Re: Flow of Time

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:40 am
by Akira110
Chapter 16

One Month Later

Yoshiro's ghost stood in front of his grave, and he heard a sound behind him. He turned to see his parents standing there. He was happy that they were reunited, but was saddened because that meant that they were also dead as well. He sighed and looked down at the grave, "I failed. My final life's mission was to try to stop a new galactic war from happening and..." Minako looked at him, "Yoshiro, we know that time branches off in many directions depending on the decisions made. A war might not even happen." Yoshiro nodded slightly, "I can understand. I guess being dead, I'm free to go wherever I want, so long as I don't interfere with the world of the living..." Akira shrugged, "That's what Emiko told us, so I guess that's the truth." Yoshiro nodded, "I'm going to head off. Sorry for bailing on you guys, but we got all the time in the world to catch up."

Yoshiro rose into the sky and started flying towards the mountain that Erasmus was on. He was amazed at how fast he could move, now that he was dead. When he got there though, he was shocked to see the ghost of Killian standing on the mountain. Killian turned around and looked at him, "Hey brother, I finished my work and our bodies are now in..." Yoshiro interrupted him, "Stasis pods, I know. You do realize I didn't give you my consent and no, dying does not imply consent at all." Killian shrugged, "Well you never had any arguments about it while you were alive." Yoshiro growled, "Oh, so now we're getting into this, you never asked me in the first [censored] place, Killian!" Killian sighed, "Look, we're dead... can we not fight here? Not like it would do anything."

Yoshiro sighed, "Sure, so why are you here?" Killian shrugged, "Thought I'd see my twin if I stayed here, you know." Yoshiro nodded slightly and leaned against a building. Killian looked at him, "How... how did you do that?" Yoshiro laughed, "Practice. Corporeal objects do not inhibit us now that we are ethereal." Killian nodded, "Alright then, let me try." Killian walked over to the building and tried to lean on it, but instead passed right through the wall. Yoshiro laughed at him and passed through the wall, "Killian, it'll take you quite a few tries, but you'll get the hang of it." Killian looked up, "Hey, there's Erasmus and Bruno." Yoshiro looked over to the side and watched the two of them pass, "Hey, you're right." Yoshiro knew better, but still reached out for Erasmus, his hand passing through the dragon's shoulder, "Damn... don't know why I did that."

Killian shrugged, "What do you think they're talking about." Yoshiro followed the two into another room and watched as Erasmus spoke up, "Bruno, I'm giving you the position of Master. You'll be my equal and you'll be able to teach students of your own." Bruno nodded slightly, "Thank you, Master Erasmus." Erasmus smiled, "You're welcome." Erasmus then looked straight at Yoshiro, which caused the Kitsune's ghost to become gripped with fear, but Erasmus spoke warmly, "I know your spirit didn't come to harm us, Master Yoshiro." Yoshiro blinked, "I'm... a Master?" Erasmus' smile widened, "In my eyes, you became a Master over a hundred years ago. I never had time to make it official though." Yoshiro bowed slightly and Erasmus sighed, "Do not bow." Yoshiro blinked slightly and Bruno looked at Erasmus, "You can see him?" Erasmus nodded, "Judging from his reaction, he has the same question. I trained to see the spirits of the dead, Killian has been hanging around for a while."

Bruno nodded, "Can you hear them?" Erasmus shook his head, "That, I cannot." Yoshiro got an idea and signed out, "I can hear you guys." Erasmus nodded, "That much is obvious, my deceased friend." Yoshiro smiled slightly and signed out, "Thank you for all that you have done for me. I think I'm going to go see my kids, before I explore the planet, see things I've never seen before." Erasmus nodded, "That's a good plan, Yoshiro. I wish you the best of luck in your afterlife. You were a good friend to Master Bruno and myself. Oh, and tell Killian that he's welcome inside the monastery." Yoshiro nodded and gave a thumbs up. He walked out and looked at his brother, "Killian, you're welcome to stay in the monastery." Killian looked at him, "Where are you going to go?" Yoshiro sighed, "To see Hiromi."

Killian nodded and Yoshiro rose up into the sky again and flew towards the Kilvish kingdom. It took him minutes to arrive and he landed in the castle's throne room. He didn't see his daughter there and he sighed, cursing his inability to pick up her scent so he'd know which room she was in. He placed his hand on his chin and gave it some thought, "Where would she be?" Yoshiro snapped his fingers and walked out of the throne room's wall and into the courtyard. Looking down, he saw Hiromi kneeling in a garden and he smiled. He allowed himself to fall to the ground and walked over to his daughter, "You're a better leader than I ever was." Hiromi continued what she was doing and Yoshiro nodded slightly, "I know you cannot see or hear me without Emiko's help, but... I want you to know that I still love you. I love all of my kids."

Yoshiro walked past her and sighed, "I want you kids... I want you all to be the leaders of this generation... I'm passing the baton to you and your siblings. The world has no need for old soldiers like me." Hiromi turned around and looked at where Yoshiro was standing and Yoshiro had a bit of hope, until her husband walked through him, "Damn..." Hiromi's husband hugged her and chuckled, "It's good to see you again, my love." Hiromi smiled widely, "It's good to see you as well, Eruedraith." Yoshiro smiled softly and walked out of the courtyard. Before he could fly away, he heard someone clear their throat, "I thought my mother said for you to not to interfere?" Yoshiro turned around, "I'm not interfering with the world of the living, I'm observing."

Amaterasu sighed, "So what now?" Yoshiro shrugged, "Seeing as I'm dead, I figure that I'll explore the planet, I got plenty of time. Plus I could always sleep for a while." Amaterasu nodded, "A more healthy outlook than most people." Yoshiro shook his head, "I died trying to save the world from a war that's going to happen in the far future and I failed. There's nothing I can do from here, and it's not like the people who could do something about it don't already know from the reports and Killian's speech at my funeral. All I really can do now..." Yoshiro turned to look at the horizon, "is have a little faith in the living. They're the ones that can prevent the war from happening. It sucks, but... it's the only choice I have in my afterlife." Amaterasu nodded, "Wise words." Yoshiro turned and walked away, waving, "I'll see you sometime later." Amaterasu nodded as Yoshiro's ghost went off to wander the world.

Re: Flow of Time

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:01 am
by Akira110

800 Years Later

Balthoron sat in a room, he was badly shaken up from what he had just seen and the fact that he had just killed a bunch of people. A Lupine turned to look at him, "Balthoron, calm down, you know why you're here, yes?" Balthoron sighed, "To be executed?" The Lupine shook his head, "You're Yoshiro's son. The people here are looking for a leader. We're the resistance, and we need someone to be able to free us from the Thraxi-Neanderthal Alliance." Balthoron looked at his hands, "I don't think I could do that, Bruno." A Silver Dragon walked over to him, "Balthoron, you are the only surviving military member with your level of experience, I mean we have well trained men, but all the other military officers are in prisons. And well, Tsuyoshi is... well, insane."

Balthoron sighed slightly, "I'm only a Captain." Erasmus smiled slightly, as Balthoron nodded, "I know, the other soldiers will listen to you because you're the highest ranking officer we got." Balthoron looked at them, and a male Kitsune walked over to him, "So this is what my brother-in-law is going to do? You're going to sit here, while the invaders do what they please with our world, is this what my sister would've wanted?" Balthoron looked up at him, anger welled up inside of him, but he didn't say anything as the man continued, "Look at you, Balthoron, you're in no shape to do anything or even lead us. Great-granduncle Masaru may have gotten us into this mess, but you're one of my granduncle's cousin-in-laws. Yet you're going to sit here and pitifully weep..."

Balthoron threw his fist at the man's face and connected, flooring the man, "If the next words out of your mouth are, 'you are a disgrace to my sister.' I will put enough amperage through you to explode your heart, am I clear!" The Kitsune laughed, "There's the fire that your father had in his eyes according to my great-grandmother. Go Balthoron, go on out there and talk to the troops." Balthoron looked at his hand and sighed, "Bring me a uniform." Bruno smirked and grabbed the uniform he had originally brought for Balthoron to him. Balthoron quickly changed out of his medic uniform, into the new Resistance Uniform, "I'll be back, I have to go address the troops." Balthoron walked out of the room and noticed that he was on a catwalk, above the troops.

Balthoron looked at them and put his hat on with a smirk, "Attention Resistance Forces!" There was a loud cheering and Balthoron raised his hand, causing the cheering to stop, "He looked out towards them, "As you know, I am Balthoron Miyamae, son of the Legendary Hero, Yoshiro Miyamae! I have been brought here by the previous leaders of the Resistance Forces of Verbana. The Thraxi and the Neanderthals have taken much from us! Friends, Family, Neighbors, Teachers! I too have suffered loss at their hands! My sister, wife and unborn daughter were recently killed in the attack on the Kilvish Capitol City! Now, I will not grant you any illusions that this will be easy, I will not tell you that you will all survive this war, but I will tell you this. If we do not fight, we are destined to be subjugated until they grow bored of us."

There was some murmuring in the crowd and Balthoron sighed, "Look at what they are doing now! Do you think that things will be any better under their rule!? Do you think that they will just let us be ourselves!? My sister wasn't even a member of this Resistance and yet they killed her, I was a simple medic and they wanted me to surrender myself to them, after wiping an entire city off the map! Now if you are all ready, I will tell you our first operation! We must not focus on doing small strikes on ineffectual targets! We will start hitting their supply lines, their prison transfers, we are a Resistance Group, they are an army. If we attack them head on as the strength between us is now, they will crush us, but if we only take out their cannons and the like, they can easily replace them! We will commit guerrilla warfare, until we have the numbers and the weapons to take them on!"

There was a loud cheering amongst the crowd, Balthoron tried to hide how he truly felt as best as he could, "Those of you who don't think we can win. Two thousand years ago, my grandfather, Akira Miyamae, led a resistance much like this one against the Menschilche. Though he had help from the Eltiranans and the Dragons, we will get no such help, so we will have to be at tip-top shape at all times. I don't want any of you needlessly risking your lives, if you can't disrupt any of their operations without sizable losses, do not hesitate to bug out and return to base. Just make sure you're not followed. We cannot afford and Pyrrhic Victories right now! Now, Resistance Forces! Move out!"

There was cheering and the soldiers below started marching towards a gate and Erasmus walked out, "That was an amazing speech Balthoron." Balthoron sighed, "That's all it was, words. The real fight has begun and unfortunately, it will not be bloodless." Erasmus frowned, "What are the predictions you have on this upcoming war?" Balthoron frowned and folded his arms, "We're going to lose at least sixty percent of our current force by the time the war ends completely. But we have to try, even if we're only a diversion." Erasmus blinked slightly and Balthoron sighed, "You didn't hear did you, your brother is currently in talks with the Humans to form some sort of Alliance, progress is slow, but steady. If the alliance is formed, then we may have the capability of winning this war." Erasmus looked down at the soldiers, "I hope for all of our sake, you're right."